(From left to right) Daniel McConkey (Sax), Jamie Thomas (Bass), Charlie Cooper (Drums, Backing Vocals), Harry Osborne (Guitar, Lead Vocals) & Joe Thomas (Keys, Backing Vocals)
Prior to their gig at The Havelock, five-piece band Someone/Anyone joined me for a chat about young artists and the Hastings music scene.
How did Someone/Anyone take form?
Harry: About a year and a half ago Charlie and I wanted to start a new band. We met Jamie and I asked him to be my friend and he was like “No, but I’ll play bass for you.” We then met the other two – well – I knew Daniel already.
Daniel: Yeah. We’ve been in bands together since we were like 12.
Harry: Dan used to play the guitar for Irie Method back in the day. Now Joe’s here too. I think we met through Mike “Tennessee” Willis’ nights at Whistle Trago.
What are you currently working on and what are your plans for the upcoming year?
Harry: We’ve got two singles recording and we just did sax. We’ve been recording Joe today too at Yiayia’s Recording Studio. Yiayia’s Studio is the best. Yiayia’s Recording Studio, available for a day’s recording-
Daniel: – and rehearsals.
Harry: Not sponsored. We’ve also been working a lot with other people, getting our female singer friends to come. There’s gonna be female vocals on the new tracks so that’s exciting. We’ve also got some festivals lined up for this year as well as our single release show at The Printworks on 29th April with Cosmic Strip – a very cool, hip band. Don’t write down “cool” or “hip”.
Could you describe your creative process when it comes to writing songs, and also the visual material that accompanies them?
Charlie: Basically it’s all Harry
Harry: It quite often comes from a guitar idea which will bring the melodies and then I’ll take it to everyone and see what they think. Often they think it’s too weird. Then I’ll produce the stuff and keep getting their opinions – it’s a collaborative process. In terms of the videos we first write the songs and then try and figure out what they’re about and get some nice material, Lewis Bennett directed most of them.
What struggles have you faced as young musicians?
Harry: Lack of money. Transport. Our band’s from Manchester, London, Brighton & Hastings so it’s a logistical issue. I think as young musicians people do give us the time of day. I’m happy that we don’t experience much prejudice because of our age.
Daniel: Hastings is a lot better than other places. From my experience of playing gigs in London, I’ve realised there’s a lot more time for young artists down here. Probably Brighton as well.
Joe: Even just getting paid for it – I know in Manchester you don’t really get paid for originals.
Harry: Young people are also engaged and want to come and see you play.
Daniel: Yeah. There’s such a good crowd of young people who go to gigs in Hastings. It’s not saturated like in Brighton or London either.
What is the importance of music in your life?
Jamie: I don’t really know. I guess it’s a lifestyle choice as well as-
Harry: A lifestyle choice? That’s the funniest thing I’ve ever heard.
Jamie: I think you’ve just got to be prepared to put in the unsociable hours, like when people have just gotten out of work and stuff.
Harry: MUSIC IS EVERYTHING. Music is my life. I’m really rubbish at other things so I love music. I mean – I’m kind of bad at music but you know. It lets me be the weirdo that I am and I feel it’s my place in the world.
Joe: Music is the only thing that I do in my life so if I didn’t have that I’d be on the streets. I’d also have my cap on forward instead of backwards.
Daniel: I just always loved playing in bands, playing in gigs and the actual feeling after playing a gig. I study music with a view to playing professionally and doing performance – so yeah it’s a massive part of my life.
Charlie: I’ve just always enjoyed playing and I love all different kinds of music.
Many of the prominent artists in Hastings, such as Blair Mackichan or Lianne Carroll, appeal mostly to the older generation. Do you believe that more young artists should be associated with that collective or should there be an entirely new movement within the Hastings music scene?
Daniel: I don’t really know Blair, but Lianne does a lot with younger musicians. She’s sat in on stuff I’ve done and vice versa. Pete Prescott does a lot too – Miles Gill (drummer in band ROAM) was in his band. I’d say it is fairly well connected to a degree, you know if you’re lucky enough to meet these people.
Harry: If you’re a good player then you’re accepted… sometimes. Shout-out to Gregg [Heath] & Chantelle [Duncan]. They’re great. They’re the best.
Zooquarium is a festival by young people, for young people. How important do you think it is for young people to come together and be involved in an event like this?
Harry: I think it’s great. It’s in July and on the pier so it’ll be sunny and Rat Boy is headlining so it’ll be sick.
Daniel: I think it’s about time for a young person-orientated event. I mean, people of all ages can and will attend, but it’s just an important thing for everyone – young people especially – to embrace the music in Hastings and discover new artists.
Someone/Anyone’s music is available to stream on SoundCloud and purchase from Bandcamp. You can also follow them on Facebook and Twitter.
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