After a few beers, tequila shots and a compelling set at The Observer Building, Dirty Fences join me for an interview.
Max Comaskey (bass, vocals), Jack Daves (guitar, vocals), Max Hiersteiner (drums, vocals) and Max Roseglass (guitar, vocals), are the individual segments that form the Brooklyn-based rock band Dirty Fences. It’s early days on their European tour, however, the band seem as well prepared as any. Dirty Fences evoke a sense of risk and enthusiasm which is often lacking in modern rock bands; their passion radiates through their music as well as their personalities. It soon became clear to me that lead vocalist Max Comaskey is a mysterious entity. Basically… he doesn’t do interviews, so, for this reason, he was replaced by Bill, the mysterious Hastings personality that the band plucked from their audience. I’m not entirely sure he knew what was happening.
You guys have just started your European tour, the OB gig making this your fourth show so far and you played Hull last night-
Hiersteiner: We actually didn’t end up playing Hull. We had a day off but we played Glasgow the day before, we played Manchester before that and Amsterdam was our tour kick-off show.
Tell me more about your experience in Amsterdam.
Hiersteiner: Well, we’ve got a bunch of homies in Amsterdam that spread the love. We did this show and there were a ton more people that showed up than last time – like a baker’s dozen more people.
Jack: Max, our bass player, had a real crazy night that night and he wants to tell us more about it.
Bill (as Max): It was so cool. Amsterdam is so cool man. Getting stoned out of my tiny little mind.
Where are you most excited about visiting on your tour?
Hiersteiner: ITALY! Personally, I’m excited about Sardinia so that we can sit on the beach and eat seafood and suck that meat out of that mussel and clam (slurping noise). I hope you know how to spell that slurping sound. You can do it in parenthesis. I also like Italian people – I think their language is very romantic sounding and I wish I could speak it.
Bill (as Max): It rolls off the tongue.
Hiersteiner: It does, Max! It rolls off the tongue, it rocks and rolls off the tongue. Our driver is from Italy too so he’s going to show us a good time because he has a bunch of friends out there and he knows a bunch of good bands.
Roseglass: He’s got a bunch of words too.
Hiersteiner: Big shout out to our driver, Lacopo. He’s got a knowledge of all types of music – he uses the best words and he uses the best hands on the steering wheel.
What is the story behind your most recent music video for Tommy + C.C.?
Roseglass: Two of our friends filmed it and produced it together – Brayden Olson and Olivia Jaffe. Brayden is our photographer who comes with us almost everywhere. He couldn’t make it tonight because he had some work in New York and Olivia is a photographer who lives in Los Angeles. It’s just all in the family – we filmed the video in California and in Puerto Rico. Brayden and I also edited it back in New York afterwards.
And also the video for Judy (Don’t Go)?
Roseglass: That’s all Brayden. It was his execution. He got the stylists, he got the wardrobe and he got the studio. It was all his vision.
Hiersteiner: I love Brayden’s vision because he finally gave me a chance to break out of my shell. I haven’t had the balls to do it but he took me aside, looked me straight in the eye and said “I know your potential. I know you want to do this. I know you want to look like a woman.” And I said, “I DO!” I mean, he practically hypnotised us – it was fantastic. I really found my true colours when we were filming that video.
I have also been told by an inside source that you have an upcoming album…
Jack: Who told you that?
Hiersteiner: We have an upcoming album we will hopefully be recording in California in two months and we’ve got a slew of new songs. Does slew work in that context? They’re slow, fast, loud, girly, macho, nachos and burritos.
Jack: You want to sum this up in one word, Comaskey?
Bill (as Max): It’s hard to sum it up in one word I mean… Cosmic.
Dirty Fences’ discography is available to stream and purchase from Bandcamp, and you can also like them on Facebook.
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